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Summer Term 2018, Doctoral School Events
2018-03-23 Doctoral School Seminar (Seminarraum 2 des Instituts für Geometrie, Kopernikusgasse 24, 10:30—13:00, TU)
Franz Pichler, (KFU, advisor G. Haase): Implicite-Multiscale-Finit-Element implementation of distributed multi-scale simulations [show abstract]
Damir Ferizovic (TU, advisor P. Grabner): Bounds of the Green Energy on SO(3) [show abstract]
Amr Ali Al-Maktry (TU, advisor S. Frisch): Polynomial Functions of the Ring of Dual Numbers modulo m [show abstract]
Stefan Planitzer (TU, advisor C. Elsholtz): Sums of unit fractions

Abstract: We call a rational number with a representation as a fraction of positive integers, where the numerator is 1, a unit fraction. In this talk we consider representations of positive rational numbers as sums of unit fractions. The main focus will be on new upper bounds for the number of positive integer solutions (a1,a2,a3) of the Erdös-Straus equation 4/n=1/a1+1/a2+1/a3, for given natural numbers n.[hide abstract]

2018-05-25 Doctoral School Seminar (Seminarraum 2 des Instituts für Geometrie, Kopernikusgasse 24, 10:30—13:00, TU)
Daniel Ganellari (KFU, advisor G. Haase): Patient-specific cardiac parametrization from Eikonal simulations [show abstract]
Julia Hauser, (TU, advisor O. Steinbach): On space-time formulations for Maxwell's equtions [show abstract]
Mahadi Ddamulira (TU, advisor R. Tichy): On a problem of Pillai with k-generalized Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2 [show abstract]
Rene Corbet (TU, advisor M. Kerber): An algebraic classification of multi-filtrations in persistent homology [show abstract]
2018-06-08 Doctoral School Seminar (Inst. Mathematik, Heinrichstr. 36, SR 11.33, 14:00—16:30, KFU)
Leonardo Alese (TU, advisor J. Wallner): Curved folding along closed curves [show abstract]
Stefan Kremsner (KFU, advisor G. Leobacher): Backward Stochastic Differential Equations [show abstract]
Svenja Hüning (TU, advisor J. Wallner): Algebraic conditions describing polynomial reproduction of Hermite subdivision [show abstract]
2018-06-22 Doctoral School Seminar (Inst. Mathematik, Heinrichstr. 36, SR 11.33, 14:00—16:30, KFU)
Nicola del Giudice (TU, advisor M. Kang): Vanishing of cohomology groups of random simplicial complexes [show abstract]
Sarah Nakato (TU, advisor S. Frisch): Absolutely irreducible elements in the ring of integer-valued polynomials [show abstract]
Junseok Oh (TU, advisor A. Geroldinger): On product-one sequences over finite groups. [show abstract]
Sanela Omerovic (TU, advisor H. Friedl): Fitting Mixtures of Generalized Nonlinear Models with Applications to Gas Consumption Data [show abstract]